Category: Drinks

Dry martini

  Dry Martini 2.5 cl Gin 0.5 cl trockenen Vermut 1 Spritzer Orangen Bitter Alle Zutaten in ein Glas geben und gut rühren. Anschliessen in ein gekühltes Cocktailglas geben, mit einer Olive garnieren und servieren.


Dieses Rezept ist Teil eines Menus für die Leser und Leserinnen der Zeit und deshalb voresrst nur auf Deutsch. This recipe is part of a menu for the reader of and for the time being only in german. You’ll need: 10- 20 frische Sardinen…

Paddington & Lina Bo Bardi

Yet another new drink we tried over the holidays, the Paddington. I organised and attended a mixing workshop for the place I work this december, now I’m mixing a lot of new drinks I never had before. I have to admit it like my cocktails…

Fresh flower infusion

The garden is in full blossom. Mint, calendula, chamomile, melissa … What I really like is these days is boiling a kettle of hot water over the fire in the garden and make some fresh infusion. Sometime I mix everything together, sometimes I just make…

Soba tea

Lucky me I got a new pack soba tea from Japan. Soba is buckwheat, soba tea has a hearty and toasty flavor. I like it a lot. Mind you I don’t like cooked buckwheat at all. To celebrate and accompany  this tea I tried these…

Hendrick’s Gin Tonic

Another absolute classic with us is the Hendrick’s Gin Tonic with a few cucumber slices. Hendrick’s gin one can buy at good liquor stores. In switzerland you can buy it in Globus. Don’t even try to make this with an other gin.

Aperol Spritz the casa souk way

When we come home from the beach and the sun is slowly going down it’s apero time. One of your favorite drinks at the moment is Aperol Spritz. Cool down the glass with some ice. Add the slice of an orange. Add the the aperol.…