Heading toward Kandy

This train trip is the reason why I wanted to go to sri lanka in the first place. A friend showed me a short video from the train ride and I knew this is as close I can get to riding along the edge of…

Titus Stores

If only we would have more room in our kitchens! This store was a first example of the very special architecture they have in this country.

Pettah Market

Pettah is a neighbourhood in Colombo, Sri Lanka located east of the City centre Fort. The Pettah neighborhood is famous for the Pettah Market, a series of open air bazaars and markets. It is Sri Lanka’s busiest commercial area, where most of the shops, textiles,…

Dry martini

  Dry Martini 2.5 cl Gin 0.5 cl trockenen Vermut 1 Spritzer Orangen Bitter Alle Zutaten in ein Glas geben und gut rühren. Anschliessen in ein gekühltes Cocktailglas geben, mit einer Olive garnieren und servieren.


Dieses Rezept ist Teil eines Menus für die Leser und Leserinnen der Zeit und deshalb voresrst nur auf Deutsch. This recipe is part of a menu for the reader of zeit.de and for the time being only in german. You’ll need: 10- 20 frische Sardinen…

Borlotti und Scampi

Dieses Rezept ist Teil eines Menus für die Leser und Leserinnen der Zeit und deshalb auf Deutsch. This recipe is part of a menu for the reader of zeit.de and for the time being only in german.The english version can be fond here. Das ist…

Eingelegte Sardinen

Dieses Rezept ist Teil eines Menus für die Leser und Leserinnen der Zeit und deshalb voresrst nur auf Deutsch. This recipe is part of a menu for the reader of zeit.de and for the time being only in german. Ein wunderbarers Rezept, am besten serviert…

Berti knife

Meet my new Berti knife! Lucky me got this beauty for x-mas. I love the smooth white Lucite handle also the knife is beautifully balanced . David Berti began crafting knives in 1895, in the Tuscan countryside. Today, the Berti tradition still requires that each…