Category: Dessert

Chocolate fondant

One hell of a dessert – Chocolate fondant with saffron filling à la locatelli. I’ve fancied this dessert ever since I bought the locatelli cook book, today I finally tried.

Apple pie

Easy, fast and yummy. Use readymade filo dough, put the apples on, brush with melted butter and off to the oven for 20 min. Serve with ice-cream or whipped cream.

dessert from japan

Shiratama dango -白玉団子- made out of : sticky rice powder(白玉粉/shiratamako), maccha(抹茶/green tea powder), anko (あんこ/adzukibeans sweet paste), kinako(きなこ/soybean flour). my almost 2years old son also likes it. 

Simple und fein

Frische Früchte entkernen, halbieren und mit Zucker und etwas Wasser langsam köcheln. Nach Belieben noch etwas Vanille, Zimt oder Grand Marnier beifügen. Bevor die Früchte auseinanderfallen, lauwarm mit Glace oder Pancakes servieren….

The pavlova

I decided to make no chocolate dessert for once and tried something very unusual for me: a pavlova, self made meringue with cream and passion fruit. It might look a bit funny but the taste is fantastic. The sweet and crunchy meringue, the soft cream…


Fresh picked berries from the forest, cream from the “käserei” and merinques from the local bakery – yummy!

Christmas pudding

For pudding we had the christmas pudding from uwe. We never had this before so we were quite nervous when we toke it out of the “bain marie” after two hours of cooking. After you put it over to ad the brand and flambé it.…