Category: Various


I know it’s been very quiet around here for the last weeks.  But it hasn’t in real world. Summer is unfortunately also fashion season and so my job just stresses me from planes to trains into ugly showrooms and to fashion shows. When all I…

A glimpse into our kitchen

January february are traditionally the quiet months here on coeur de sel. There are several reasons for this, first off, after all this christmas cooking it’s time to take it easy, I’m usually a bit fed up with cooking I have to admit and I’m…

New Year, new kitchen

I did a bit of renovation in our ( rented ) apartment ( hope our landlord doesn’t kick us out soon ). I did the tiling myself – gave me a tremendous muscle ache but I’m very happy with it, even though I have to…

Hughs fish fight

This world can be utterly crazy!  While it seams everybody is talking about how we can protect our fish stocks and how to consume reasonably this is the EU strategy to solve the problem? Half of all fish caught in the North Sea is thrown…