Author: mayumi

japanese pumpkin “Hokkaido”

  now i can buy japanese pumpkin called “Hokkaido” im bio shop or market.  for z’vieri, i made pumpkin + raisin muffin. (but it looks like not so muffin…) cooked pumpkin japanese style -かぼちゃの焚いたん- pumpkin, sugar, dashi, soya sauce and mirin. cooked until pumpikn soft.…

spinach Gomaae

spinach gomaae -ほうれんそうのごま和え-  spinach, soya souce, sesami, sesami paste, sugar and dashi (japanese fish soup) typical japanese side dish (called Okazu). it was popular menu among canadian when i was working in vancouver.  

grilled saury

grilled salted saury -さんまの塩焼き- fish which i bought at Swiss (asiatisch lebensmittel shop). after eating, feel sooo japan:D served with soya souce and grated radish would be more nice . 

marinade paprika japanese style

marinade paprika japanese style -和風パプリカマリネ- paprika, ginger, garlic, soya souce, sake, vinegar and sugar. backed paprika in oven and peel the skin. marinate and chilled in a fridge. 


  from left : shiitake, cabbage+chinese chive and meat 4~5 hours defrost in room temperature. ready to bake! baked gyoza -餃子- cabbage (asian one or Chinese cabbage (白菜/chinakohl)), chinese chive (ニラ), minced meat (mixed with p+b), Shiitake (しいたけ), miso, soya sauce, sake (酒), sesami oil, pepper, salt, garlic…

celery with miso sauce

 celery with miso sauce -セロリのミソ炒め- Haccho miso or Red miso(八丁味噌), sesami(ゴマ), Katsuobushi(かつお節/dried bonito) and salt. recipe is from friend who i met in canada. i didn’t like celery at that time, but even i could try it and love it.

salad Udon

  salad udon with sesami sauce -サラダうどん ゴマソース- sesami sauce :  sasami paste, Mirin(みりん), Soya sauce(醤油), sugar and Dashi(だし/japanese fish soup). udon(うどん/japanese noodle), egg(卵焼き/baked and cut thinly), breast meat of chicken(ささみの酒蒸し/steamd with sake and salt), ham, sweet corn, cucumber, and  tomato.  cold or warm, oishii.

obento box

Obento box -お弁当- Onigiri(おにぎり/rice ball with Hijiki),  Sengiri daikon no nimono  (千切り大根とイカの炊いたん/cooked with dried japanese radisch and squid), Tamago yaki (卵焼き/Omelette), トマト/tomato. for friend who got 2nd baby 5 days ago.

today’s dinner

japanese style -和食 / washoku- rice, miso soup, baked barracuda(かます/kamasu) and gomoku mame(五目豆/soya beans, ひじき/hijiki seaweed and veg). gochisou sama…