
from left : shiitake, cabbage+chinese chive and meat

4~5 hours defrost in room temperature.

ready to bake!


baked gyoza -餃子-

cabbage (asian one or Chinese cabbage (白菜/chinakohl)), chinese chive (ニラ),
minced meat (mixed with p+b), Shiitake (しいたけ), miso, soya sauce, sake (酒),
sesami oil, pepper, salt, garlic and ginger.

good knead everything in a bowl.
warp with dough, make a form and bake.
serve with Ponzu (soya sauce and vinegar). 

*gyoza dough, asian cabbage and chinese chive sold by
SWISS asiatische lebensmittel in ostermundigen (Bernstrasse 79).

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