Author: zera

Granola from Sooishi

I was well surprised when I came home from Paris and found a big parcel from sooishi on my desk. In it were the new sooishi granola. To me finding a granola I like has so far been an almost impossible task. Hard to say…

Marché des enfants rouges

This is the first time I’ll blog about restaurants or shops here but I try to get rid of one too many blog and this would mean recommendations for restaurants and such would have to find a new home here. Probably not the worst idea.…

Le Pave Faubourg

I have been trying this for the second time – le pave faubourg de pierre hermé. I’m still not pleased with the way it looks but we all love the way it tastes! A layered cake filled with a chocolate and caramel ganache and marinated…

Gather magazin

Yesterday my copy of GATHER has arrived and it’s as beautiful as I hoped it would be. Stunning food photography, interesting reads and recipes that sound rather interesting. I will have to wait to try the shaved asparagus salad with poached egg till next spring…

red currant and flat peaches jelly

I’m in love with that jelly and the color of this blog post ! My red currant are a late variety which is great because they are ripe when my japanese raspberries are and there’s nothing better than a greek yoghurt with these two berries…

Home pickled gehrkins

For the first year I managed to grow and pickle my own gherkins – a Bourgogne variety. The preserving is easier than the growing though. Plenty of my carefully grown gherkins plants did not survive the last frost of spring and plenty got eaten by…


I know it’s been very quiet around here for the last weeks.  But it hasn’t in real world. Summer is unfortunately also fashion season and so my job just stresses me from planes to trains into ugly showrooms and to fashion shows. When all I…

A pan of summer vegetables

Inspired once again by Nigel Slater, I brought home plenty of baby vegetables from the allotment. The pinched out carrots, the first tiny summer squash and the last asparagus of the season, some peas and some cherry tomatoes. The secret to this recipe is that…