Confiture caramel beurre salé


I recently stumbled over the lovely blog photisserie of a german photographer and pastry lover living in Paris.
There I discovered this Confiture caramel beurre salé which I just had to try this morning.

In our neighborhood we have a lovely little créperie called “le carousel” they do the most delicious crépes and galettes and of course they serve proper cidre in a ceramic bowl. HEAVEN! We always eat the same: galette “bleue et poire” ( with blue cheese and pear) and for dessert we have crépe pomme at caramel salé.

Sugar, butter, salt and cream is something I always have at home. But making the caramel is a bit tricky I find.
Most importantly be patient, don’t stir your sugar just slowly let it melt – everything is gonna be fine.

You’ll need:

  • 300 gr sugar
  • 240 gr butter
  • 5 gr salt
  • 200 gr cream

Cook the sugar and 6 tbs water over low flame till you get a nice caramel ( this takes quite some time). Add the butter ( cut into cubes ) and the salt let it cook for 2 more minutes till mixed. Take from the heat and add the warm cream.
Fill into glasses and put into the fridge.


It’s almost a month now that i started this post. Why didn’t I publish it earlier? The truth is I failed. I was sure that this would be the perfect caramel beurre sale
for my  crépe pomme au caramel sale. After three attempts I can say it isn’t . Why? Because you want to eat this cold. The confiture has a lovely texture and when you melt it ( like on a warm crepe) it loses this texture and the smell of the butter gets stronger agin – also a thing you don’t want to happen.

I have to admit so far I have no clue on how to use this lovely confiture. I don’t like it on bread to much either – the slightly bitter taste of the caramel gets lost beside the strong flavor of the bread.

But what happened it that while pondering over this confiture and have to best use it I’ve eaten it all – just like this,  with a spoon out of the glass! Soo delicious.

So if you have any suggestions on how it use it – let me know, otherwise I’ll happily eat it like this.


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