Sepia sessions


Huh, it has been quiet around here … First there was too much work and then a long and lovely holiday with lot’s of gardening and not so much cooking going on – well we did cook a lot but we stuck to tried and tested Sardinian classics.

But one extraordinary thing did happen – Shane has recently been very keen on cooking, he can do his own pasta and loves to fry eggs.
One evening in Sardinia they were drawing the sepias we had bought earlier at the fishmonger but after a while he got bored and said he’d rather do some cooking. So Kevin said he could help gutting the sepias and believe it or not, he was into that.
sepias are a wonderful thing to touch and work with, no wonder he quite liked doing it. They are wonderful animals, we actually met one just the other day while snorkeling.
He was OK taking the skin of but when it came to pulling off the head he was struggling a bit but in the end he gutted and cooked a whole sepia. Oh and he even tried a tiny bit. Seemed like he did not hate it too much, – who knows maybe one day ……


Sepia drawings:



The gutting:




The tasting:
